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San Francisco plays Kiarostami '24 Frames'

US coastal city of San Francisco theaters host late Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami's final movie '24 Frames'.

Silver screens across the mega-tech Californian city of San Francisco will play Kiarostami's acclaimed flick '24 Frames' , starting on March 16, media outlets reported.

International cinemas are still commemorating the late-great Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami will continued screenings of his popular films.

The veteran Iranian filmmaker passed away on July 4, 2016, following a heart attack at the age of 76.

He has been widely hailed as a pioneer of the Iranian New Wave, winning numerous international film prizes for his body of work, including the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Festival in 1997 for his film ‘Taste of Cherry’.

The late writer-director is mostly known as a screenwriter, film editor, art director and producer as well as a poet, photographer, painter, illustrator, and graphic designer.

